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Project X Witness statement
Everyone can help those who go to the small claims court!
These people need witness statements telling the Judge that what is claimed is true. 
These statements must be sent by snail mail or faxed to the person you are being a witness for. 
A witness statement must contain your name and full address including the name and address of the person you are being a witness for, and must be signed.


Witness statement for:                                                                           (date)
(name of claimant) 
(address of claimant)

I (first and last name) hereby declare that the claimant (first and last name) in regards to money spent on so-called in-game cash coins (hereafter referred to as CC) and/or assets (in the sense of having bought virtual goods), playing a game on Facebook called Pet Society while having been promised by Playfish, a game developer belonging to Electronic Arts (hereafter referred to as EA), that bought items would be forever ours. 

Furthermore I attest to the fact that EA fully knowing that they would shut down the game held several special CC (normally 120 CC would cost $20,--) sales, one of them only two weeks and one of them only one day before the announcement to shut the game down (retire as they called it) was made.

Never at one point in time was any effort made by EA to reimburse myself and/or any other persons for their loss of money and/or their loss of virtual goods purchased.

Although many attempts were made to contact EA by phone or mail, including messages posted on their customer service page on Facebook, EA chose not to respond.

It is needless to say we have been severely duped by EA and ask your honor respectfully to take into consideration that a breach of contract between us the gamers was made by EA for

(a) taking our money 

(b) taking away the virtual goods we bought. 

During the time we were able to play Pet Society long term friendships were established between lots of fellow players. 

We trust justice will be served. 


(full name)

(full address)




                           Project X

Project X step one letter of intent:


Electronic Arts                                       (date)
Electronic Arts Inc. 
209 Redwood Shores Pkwy 
Redwood City, 
CA 94065

Dear Sir, Madam,

On June 14, 2013, you closed a game called Pet Society.
making it impossible for me to access what I bought and consider mine, at the same time holding you to your promise that items bought would be forever mine.

As a direct result of this closure I am out of ........ so called in game cash coins worth the amount of .........
In addition, I am also being deprived of all the items I bought with said Cash coins in the amount of .........
Recent attempts to get in contact with your company have so far failed.

At first I thought the issue could be solved but later on you proved that to be impossible. 

Please send me a check or money order for $ ....... on or before October the 12th If I don't receive payment by that date, I'll promptly file this case in small claims court.
You may reach me by either responding to this letter in writing or by e-mail.

E-mail address: 


(full name)

(full address)





Please take notice.


In the case you do recieve a letter (e-mail or snail-mail (usps), do not reply on your own but contact team admin immediately so no mistakes will be made in regards to your claim. 


What you need to take to court:


Copy's of CC bought, these can be copy's of your creditcard statements.


 As many pictures of CC items bought as you can find. 


If you have them pictures of the extra CC rooms you bought. 


If you have it a picture (screenshot) of the CC you had left. 


Ask your friends and or family to provide you with pictures mentioned above if they have them.


A Judge might want to know if you at any point in time knew the game was being closed before you bought anything. 


Show the Judge a picture of the closing announcement made by EA and explain that nobody knew about it until that statement was posted.


Tell the Judge you tried to contact EA and that other people also tried to do that for you.


Tell the Judge EA did not respond.


Feel free to ask team admin any question about what to say or do you are not sure about.


Remember half the battle is won by being prepared.


The announcement of ‘Pet Society’s’ closure was made  on April 15 2013.


The official closing date was on June 14 2013.


During the final week in March, just two weeks prior to their announcing ‘Pet Society’s’ closure, they held an ‘Easter Sale’ and reduced the price of their virtual currency by as much as 40 percent. The intention of lowering

the price of in-game currency in this manner tempts devoted players to part with their money.


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